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The Afro Basaldella exhibition at Connaught Brown, London

13th October – 17th November “Like most Italians, Afro knows how to celebrate. The fanciful, ebullient side of his nature emerges in the high-keyed recent paintings—those in which he allowed himself the most freedom and spontaneity to date. In these,

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The 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair at Somerset House, London

‘The cultural reality today evinces a far more protean social and cultural condition and it seems that such impositions curtail artistic, cultural and theoretical production, which are largely complex in terms of provenance, identification and history.’ Koyo Kouoh, curator of

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Ai Weiwei’s exhibition at the Royal Academy

Described as ‘momentous and moving’ by the Guardian, the cultural phenomena Ai Weiwei’s exhibition at the Royal Academy, London has been the talk of the town. Throughout September, photographs of his crystal Bicycle Chandelier have dominated social media, building a

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INTERVIEW: Sylwia Bomba

How did you get into art? I can describe my adventure with art in few words – hard work, perseverance, love and truth. Once you fall in love with art, you love to work and you never tire of it.

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Ellen Charlesworth


Interviewing artists for our newest series, Ellen is an editor and researcher currently undertaking a Ph.D. on the success of digital exhibitions.  


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